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Who Needs Business Coaching?

Do you need business coaching?

I wonder where you are in your business and whether you would benefit from business coaching. Have you already become self-employed or is your business idea still something that’s floating around your brain, showing up every now and then as an “If only…” or a “Wouldn’t it be great if…?”

A good business coach will start with what you’ve got and go from there!

We help people who are at all stages in their businesses: from freelancers and tradespeople to contractors and consultants. Some are sole traders and others have business partnerships or Limited Companies. Even the executive directors on the boards of multinational companies can and do benefit from the support that business coaching provides.

When is the right time?

Maybe a better question is not whether you would benefit from business coaching but when you should start?

I’ve met people who have waited years to be ready for business coaching, only to realise that they actually wasted those years. They thought they needed to be clear about what they wanted from their business before they could hire a coach. Then the penny dropped – the coaching helps you gain that clarity!

So, the fact that you’re reading this right now, suggests to me that the time is right for you, right now.

Investing in yourself

Business coaching is not free but it could be one of the best investments you ever make. Unlike when you play the lottery or the stock exchange, the return on investment is not subject to external influences over which you have little or no control.

When you invest your time and money in coaching, there is only one thing you need to do to guarantee a return on your investment. You need to act upon what you learn and decide during your coaching sessions.

Spoiler alert!

Your coach is not going to make your business a success. You are! Business coaching is there to support and, in some cases, guide you. Your coach will ask you the questions that you avoid answering when they are spiralling around your head at 3am! And, she will help you to find the answers.


At your next business coaching session, your coach will ask you about your progress. It’s not like having a boss though – you’re not going to get in to trouble if you haven’t done what you said you’d do. However, your coach will hold you accountable and together you’ll create a new action plan to get you back on track.

What I’ve found is that business coaching is energising, inspiring and fun! Working towards achieving your wildest dreams is an exhilarating ride. Yes, there are set-backs sometimes but we learn the best lessons from these experiences and your coach will help you put everything into perspective.

So, is business coaching for you? You bet it is! Don’t waste another minute.

Would you like to find out more about Business Coaching?

If you are already self-employed (or you’re about to be) and would like to make this year your best yet…. book yourself a free “Create Your Dream Business Clarity Session” now. 

This is a great opportunity to invest time in your business and see exactly how business coaching can help you grow and succeed.

And while you’re here, remember to subscribe for free Dream Biz News & Tips too!

Copyright: Louise Jenner, 2024.

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