Why did you go self-employed?
Before we look at the most common mistakes we make when we go self-employed, let’s rewind and remember why we made that decision in the first place.
We probably had a light-bulb moment somewhere along the line when we were still employed. We thought (or heard someone else say) “There has to be more to life than this?” or “If you’re not working to achieve your own dreams, you’re working to achieve someone else’s.”
For me, I read these words by the author of Be a Free Range Human, Marianne Cantwell:
“If you only had one life, what would you do with it?”
Something clicks, it all makes so much sense and we venture boldly into the world of self-employment. I was full of excitement at being my own boss, setting my own hours and making my own decisions. Fantastic!
So, what are these mistakes? I’ll hold my hands up and tell you – I’ve made them too, to a greater or lesser degree and I have to stay vigilant in order to avoid making them over and over again.
Check out the short video below and then read on for a more in depth view…
So, what are the common mistakes we make when we go self-employed?
MISTAKE #1 – Working 9-5 and some!
It’s easy to keep doing what you know.
So, you were an accountant in a big corporate firm and you become a self-employed accountant working with smaller businesses. You fill your days with work for your new clients and then you realise that you have your own accounts, marketing and admin to do. So, it eats into your evenings and weekends. You’re now working 60 hours a week for yourself to avoid working 40 hours for someone else!
Mistake #2 – Trying to do everything yourself.
This is related to #1.
If you love the “doing” part of your work so much that you want to do it, full-time, then you have to bring in some help with the other stuff so that you don’t burn yourself out.
Out-sourcing your admin to a VA or employing a bookkeeper can give you those hours back and also help protect your sanity and your personal relationships.
Mistake #3 – Undercharging
This is so common, perhaps it should have been at the top of the list! Just because you’re new in business, does not mean you have to be cheap.
You may do some pro-bono work in the early stages but don’t fall into the trap of thinking that clients will only hire you if you’re cheaper than the competition. It’s just not true.
Mistake #4 – Thinking you can do it all alone.
None of us wants to admit to this one but hey, we’re all guilty of it some of the time. Just because you’re super talented [insert your title] doesn’t mean you know everything about running a business or that you won’t have down days.
Investing in myself by hiring my business coach was the most sensible decision I made in business. Many of our sessions simply feel like conversations but, every time, I come away feeling invigorated and ready to progress my business. A bit like I used to feel after a conversation or meeting with my Senior Management team in my employed days. The thing is, when we become self-employed, the buck does stop here. Having someone independent who will listen to your challenges and point you in the right direction is essential to your success.
How long have you been in business?
Whether you’re just starting or have been in business for a while, it’s easy to make one or more of these mistakes.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you recognise your behaviour above. As I said, we all make these mistakes – that’s why they’re so common.
The difference is only a few people stop making them and they are the ones who go on to have enjoyable AND successful businesses. I know which camp I want to be in; how about you?
I think it was Einstein who said,
“The definition of madness is when you keep doing the same things and hoping for a different outcome.”
If you’d like help finding out how you can do things differently in your business, please do get in touch. I’d love to hear from you! You can click the button below to book in for a transformational “Create Your Dream Business Clarity Session.”
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The easiest way to get started is to book your Career Clarity Session. It’s completely free and it’s for us to start the process of discovering what your dream job (or business) really looks like.