Two women talking about making the most of linkedin at a conference.

Making the most of LinkedIn

Making the Most of LinkedIn

Making the most of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, is vital for your career progression. Maybe you’re frustrated in your current job, perhaps you feel like you’re hitting against the glass ceiling or maybe you’re desperate to do something different! If you’re serious about getting ahead or making a career change, one thing’s certain – you’re doing it the hard way if you aren’t making the most of LinkedIn.

With over 500 million users, LinkedIn is easily the largest, professional networking platform on the planet!  

A huge conference or trade show

I like to think of LinkedIn as a massive conference or trade show where just about everyone you’ve ever worked with in the past and everyone you’re likely to work with in the future has a ticket. That’s to say they signed up.

However, many of them (maybe you’re one of them?) haven’t even turned up at the conference, let alone done anything with the massive opportunity that’s staring them in the face. They’re not making the most of LinkedIn. Networking on LinkedIn is something they have failed to identify as a valuable use of their time.


Career Coach in Devon

Showing up and making the most of LinkedIn

Showing up means completing and optimising your profile so that people who do find you on LinkedIn know what you’re about. Here are 3 top tips for making the most of LinkedIn by optimising your profile:

  1. Insert a great headshot of you looking ready to meet your dream client/employer. While you’re at it, you could include a banner photograph that speaks about your profession, your business or your interest.
  2. Replace the default headline that simply says what your job title is with something more dynamic. Explain what it is you do that’s different from your competition and include some keywords.
  3. Write a compelling About section. Not a potted history of your life to date but a clear indication of the kind of person you are and what you want to do for your dream client/employer.

Get Connected 

So, now you’re inside the conference and looking great, it’s time to make some connections. Wandering around the virtual trade stands, idly picking up leaflets that will later be filed in the bin is not making the most of LinkedIn. Instead, just as you would at a real-life event, introduce yourself to some interesting people, strike up some conversations and see who you can help in some way. 

Get connected!

These days, you don’t even need to be a 2nd connection to invite someone to connect and LinkedIn has done away with the inquisition about how you know someone. So, find a decent reason to connect with someone and… connect!

Top tip: On mobile, find the 3 dots on your prospect’s profile page and hit those to find the option to Personalize Invite.”This allows you to write them a quick note to explain why you’d like to connect on LinkedIn.

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Get Active

Finally and most crucially, the best way to ensure you’re making the most of LinkedIn is to keep the momentum going. Maintain and cultivate those relationships by continuing the conversations in private messages or by email.

Demonstrate what a good egg you are. Share some best practices by publishing your original work and sharing content written by other people whom you like and admire.

Top Tip: You can only publish an article on the desktop version of LinkedIn but it’s super simple! Click the “Write an article” button on your home page and you’ll find really simple formatting options and places to add pictures, links and videos.

Your dream employers and clients are waiting for you on LinkedIn. 

Whatever your purpose for being here, I hope this article has helped you to start making the most of LinkedIn. Please ask me any questions you might have below in the comments or send me a private message. I love to receive feedback so fire away!

I wish you every success as you develop your presence on LinkedIn.

To schedule a Personal 1:1 LinkedIn Tutorial with me via Zoom please click here: LINKEDIN TUTORIAL



Copyright: Louise Jenner, 2024

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