I want to change the world…

This week a new client inspired the heck out of me. He’s had a tough life. Yes, we’ve all had hard times but this guy has been through loads more than most of us and way more than anyone should have to. He left his home and family in India to come to the UK and proceeded to work long and hard, for the minimum wage to save enough to bring them here to live a better life. It’s a long story and a sad one because after he had succeeded in bringing them here, he lost his wife and was left to bring up his children alone. He told me:

“I want to change the world, starting with the (square) foot in front of me.”

What a fantastic attitude! Many of us would love to change the world but feel like it’s too big a job for one person to tackle. Imagine what a difference we could make if we all improved the square foot in front of us and kept going!

He has decided that the way to change his world is to improve his working conditions by looking for a better job with prospects and a respectful environment. His first step was to see me about his cv which he felt was “a bit dry.”

What is it, in the square foot in front of you, that needs your attention? Could your cv do with a makeover? Do you need some help with your motivation or confidence? Maybe you are in a “better the devil you know” mindset. The answer, in my experience, is nearly always to take action. Do something! Pick up your ‘phone and email or call me for a chat! After all, I’ll bet it’s in the square foot in front of you, isn’t it?

Call or email to find out more about how I can help YOU to change your world.

Let’s change your world!

Hope to speak to you soon!

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