Finding Work You Love


Finding Work You Love…

Recently, I was asked to contribute to an article about finding work you love, that was being written for the recruitment agency, TotalJobs. It\’s fantastic that, more and more, all sorts of businesses, including agencies, are recognising the importance of letting what you love, be what you do.  Of course, they were pushing against an open door with me!

So, here\’s the article, complete with quotes from yours truly. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any comments or questions, please do get in touch.

\”A recent survey by London School of Business & Finance revealed that almost half of all workers in the UK (47%) would like to change careers*. This statistic was even higher for workers in London (55%) and millennials (66%).

Career switching is becoming commonplace in the UK job market as more and more people aspire to have a job they love. But how do successful career changers do it? And is finding work you love possible for everyone? Totaljobs turned to the experts to answer these questions and more…


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