CV Services

My Professional CV Writing Services Will Help You Get Your Dream Job!

The internet has made the job application process quicker and more efficient than ever before, allowing employers to broadcast their roles to a wider net of candidates who can apply with the click of a button.

However, this presents one major disadvantage for applicants: competition.

Applicants are now able to submit their CVs to employers en-masse, leaving companies inundated with a bulk of CVs to go through.

This has meant employers have had to become highly selective in which CVs they choose to go forward to the job interview stage, while eliminating any applications that are generic or at all unsuitable to the job role.

Nowadays, to be successful in their application, candidates must ensure that their CV stands head and shoulders above the crowd. This means closely tailoring it to the job role they are applying for, and keeping their application concise and to the point to catch the attention of the marker.

My CV writing services will help clients to formulate a CV that is perfectly targeted to the job they desire, and which portrays their skills and experience in the best possible light.

I am highly experienced in creating CVs that are professional, concise, and hyper-focused on satisfying the marker’s criteria, meaning that your chances of getting through to the interview stage will be maximised.

Book Your FREE clarity session now

The easiest way to get started is to book your Clarity Session. It’s completely free and it’s for us to start the process of discovering what your dream job (or business) really looks like.

Book your FREE clarity session now

The easiest way to get started is to book your Clarity Session. It’s completely free and it’s for us to start the process of discovering what your dream job (or business) really looks like.

What Employers Look For In A CV

There are several key factors that employers consider when selecting CVs at the application stage.

These include:


Employers want to see that you are skilled and experienced in your field. Make sure that your application conveys your knowledge of the role and the sector while avoiding the overuse of jargon.

Employers will also check that your language is appropriate, and that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. In fact, almost half (43%) of all CVs are discarded because they are written in the third person, and any spelling or grammar errors will increase the risk of your CV being dismissed.

Employers will also check to see if there are any significant unexplained gaps in employment, as these could indicate that you have been fired, or faced other problems with maintaining employment.


Due to the vast quantity of applications being submitted for each role, employers no longer have the time to spend hours poring over a single CV. In fact, on average, recruiters spend no more than 5-10 seconds looking at your CV, and nearly half of all CVs that are more than two pages long are discarded.

While you may think it is desirable to display your command of language in your CV, lengthy and indirect descriptions of your qualities will be easy to overlook when the marker is rushing through applications.

As such, your CV needs to be concise, and should highlight your best attributes in such a way that will be quickly and easily identified by the recruiter. CVs are often a ‘box-ticking’ exercise, and as such, you need to hit the criteria directly.

Keywords From The Job Description

It is essential to include keywords from the job description in your CV for several reasons.

Firstly, using keywords from the job description ensures that your CV is personalised to the employer, and demonstrates that you have a specific interest in that company and role, instead of simply using a ‘scattergun’ approach to target multiple employers at once.

Secondly, it indicates that you have thoroughly read the job description, and that you are genuinely interested in the role on offer.

Finally, keywords also act as a ‘signpost’ to the marker, allowing them to easily identify your responses to each of the criteria and thereby preventing your skills and attributes from being overlooked.

How Professional CV Writing Services Can Help

CV writing services can help clients to avoid mistakes and to satisfy an employer’s expectations by creating targeted and concise CVs to a high standard, while using professional proofreading and editing skills to eliminate spelling and grammar errors.

CV writing services can also help clients to put a positive ‘spin’ on their shortcomings – like for example, explaining any gaps in employment by detailing any personal or professional development that was undertaken during that time.

Plus, there are several additional benefits:

Preparation Is Key

It is essential to understand the kind of role you really want before writing your CV.

Generic CVs rarely hit the marker’s criteria, and by knowing what kind of role you’re looking for before you write your CV, you’re in a strong position to create something that’s perfectly optimised to get you the job you want.

My specialist service is designed to help clients identify the ideal next steps in their careers, ensuring they find the perfect role for their skills, experience, ambitions, and overall life goals.

Writing A Targeted CV

CVs that are specifically targeted to the job you are applying for are more likely to get through to the interview stage, granting you the opportunity to engage with a potential employer, make a good first impression, and convince them that you are the right person for the job.

By contrast, using a generic ‘scattergun approach’ when applying for jobs is ineffective, and will give employers the impression that you are not genuinely interested in their role. Instead, creating fewer job applications, but better quality, targeted ones that effectively convey your passion and suitability for the role, will give you a greater chance of success.

To this end, you should create a unique CV for each role you’re applying for – don’t just write a generic CV to cover multiple applications, as these are easily identified by an employer, and could mean your CV is sent straight to the bin.

As part of my CV writing services, I help clients create targeted CVs that are completed to an exceptional standard. This maximises their chances of obtaining their ideal job role.


My CV writing services can help your application to appear more professional by correcting any spelling and grammar mistakes, editing out extraneous or rambling text, and ensuring that your CV hits your marker’s criteria while remaining concise and easy to read.

In addition, I can easily identify the necessary keywords to cover in your application, allowing you to ‘tick the boxes’ easily and efficiently.

I can also provide advice regarding design and layout, to create a polished appearance that effectively conveys a sense of professionalism.

Short enough to read in your lunch break and it’s packed with tips and information. I wrote it to help you work out what your dream job really looks like and how you can get out there and make it happen!

Louise Jenner's book

Short enough to read in your lunch break and it’s packed with tips and information. I wrote it to help you work out what your dream job really looks like and how you can get out there and make it happen!

Louise Jenner's book

Consider Career Coaching To Complement CV Services

My CV services will help you to catch an employer’s attention by creating a professional and polished CV that hits the marking criteria. But this is not the end of your application journey, as there are several more steps you must successfully complete.

Firstly, you will need to present well at the interview stage in order to secure your chosen job role. This means being able to sell your skills, experience, and personal qualities to the employer, and conducting yourself in a professional manner.

You will also need to explain any gaps in training, skills, or experience in a way that reflects positively on you, and be able to overcome any barriers to employment – such as being under or overqualified for the position, or lacking a professional network.

I can help you to overcome these obstacles by identifying any weaknesses in your CV and working on professional development strategies.

In addition, my job interview coaching will enable you to present your skills and experience positively, rehearse your responses to anticipated questions, and work on barriers that could cause issues at the interview stage – such as anxieties or nerves that hinder performance, for example.

In summary, CV writing services can greatly improve your chances of getting a job interview, but applicants should also consider investing in a comprehensive job/career coaching programme to help them achieve the role they really want!

About Louise Jenner, The Dream Job Coach

I have been providing professional CV writing services to clients across the UK since 2013.

With experience in a wide range of industries – from trout farming to furniture – I have worked in both small and large companies, giving me invaluable experience across a variety of professional environments.

Plus, as the first-ever female member of the management team at DFS Furniture, I have personally overcome gender-based barriers and take pride in helping other women to achieve their professional goals.


Signing up for Louise’s Dream Job Programme was the best career decision I could have made. Within two months I’d gone from not really knowing where to go with my career to being invited for two interviews within my chosen sector and then being offered my dream job.

The first few sessions with Louise gave me the confidence to consider applying for these jobs and I’m convinced that her guidance about how to craft my application helped me to secure the interviews. And as these were my first interviews for around six years, I was rather rusty (not to mention nervous), so I particularly appreciated Louise’s tips about how to best prepare and present myself.

Louise always knew how to address my concerns about finding a new job and also has a wealth of resources available for clients via her social media pages.

The only downside to finding my dream job is that I miss meeting and chatting with Louise!

Susan Flook


Louise is a breath of fresh air. She is full of enthusiasm to help her clients get the best outcome, whether they are looking for their first job or whether they are having a change in career. She is experienced and knows what she is talking about, and I would thoroughly recommend investing in getting her on board to coach you towards happier employment and therefore a happier lifestyle.

Louise has a positive outlook which is contagious, and she cares deeply about those she coaches.

She will give you the motivation that you have been lacking, and help you build confidence, fine-tune your CV, and find your focus.

Sali Wijesinghe


I used Louise to update my CV, I then got an interview within days and used some tips I was given to get the job. I am now working in a very different area to what I was used to, and I am enjoying every day.

I have not felt this way about work for such a long time; go ahead and give Louise a try!

Juanita Paris


Louise has a genuine desire to share her experiences and knowledge to help others improve their lives. Whether that’s helping people improve their social media skills (she’s great at LinkedIn), re-evaluating their work/life balance, updating a CV, applying for jobs, or defining new goals.

She is supportive, talks in plain language and is thoroughly lovely with it too. Many job seekers come to us after having consultations with Louise and they all have positive words to say about her and a clearer vision of where they want to be in life.

Tracey Adams


I started my journey with Louise a couple of years ago, as I was feeling lost in my career. I had done quite a few jobs in different sectors, and some I liked more than others. However, it was difficult to discern a ‘Career Path’.

This was hurting not only my earning potential but more importantly my job satisfaction as well. I knew I needed to move on from my then-current position and to do this I would need some help; and that help would need to come in the form of a Career Coach.

After much research, I decided on Louise. It was her experience in management that was a chief deciding factor for me. I think this backed up her credentials, as not only had she been an ‘employee’ per se but also a Hiring Manager, over many years. This, in my mind, proved that Louise should know what companies are looking for in candidates.

After a free Clarity Session, I was sold. Louise had a clear plan of action and targets for me to hit in terms of researching companies and getting to the bottom of what I wanted from my work life.

The subsequent sessions, over several months in my case, gave me great motivation to progress in my career. It turned out that a role in transport of some description would be the best fit for my skills and interests.

I am not going to lie, it took time for me to find the right role, and I took what turned out to be an interim position whilst looking for my ‘Dream Job’. However, the job as a Signaller for Network Rail came up and I applied. The rest as they say is history…

So here I am now, as a new Signaller, in a job I love, and having more than doubled my previous salary can afford to move on with life with things like getting married and upsizing.

I never would have had the confidence to even consider applying for such a role before Louise. Using her tools, the selection process was pretty much as straightforward as it could get – even against many very qualified candidates.

Ian Proud


After my first session with Louise, I felt so inspired! Louise really made me consider what aspects of a job are important to me and different industries I am attracted to.

She also gave me so much advice on how to impress employers and stand out from the crowd; the information she gave me was invaluable. To anyone hesitating whether to book a session I couldn’t recommend it more highly and I will definitely be seeing her again in the future!

Claudia Parry

Looking For Professional CV Writing Services?

My CV Services Will Help You Get Your Dream Job!

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