changing your career

Changing your career in 3 steps

It’s Sunday evening and I bet you’re daydreaming about all the amazing career opportunities out there. Maybe you’re feeling a little bored or unfulfilled with your current job and are searching for something with a little more purpose. You know, something where you can spread your wings and be appreciated for your unique talents. And let’s not forget about having time for the important things in life, like spending quality time with loved ones. 

Have you ever considered exploring new career opportunities? I understand that it may seem daunting to potentially have to retrain and deal with the financial burden, especially with your current commitments. It’s also completely normal to feel unsure about what you want to do or what your options are. However, it’s always worth considering the possibility of discovering a new path that could bring you more fulfilment and happiness in the long run. You deserve to wake up each day feeling excited about what’s to come and surrounded by a supportive community. Don’t hesitate to take that first step towards change! 

Is this it?

I understand where you’re coming from. I went through a similar experience a few years ago. My job was pretty good, and I enjoyed it, but I started feeling like there was something more out there for me. It was like a little voice in my head kept asking, “Is this all there is?” Have you ever felt like that? 

So, get this! I took a chance and switched things up from being a retail manager to becoming a self-employed career and business coach. And it got me thinking, there are three ways we can change up our careers. (I mean, I’m not saying I did it the “right” way, but it worked out pretty well for me!) 

1. Wait for fate

Many people out there choose to leave their career paths up to fate. They wait around, hoping to be presented with new opportunities, whether that comes in the form of redundancy, being sought after by recruiters, or even unexpectedly losing their current job.  

After the initial shock, some individuals perceive redundancy as a turning point in their lives. It offers them the chance to embark on a transformative journey, acquire new skills, and venture into unexplored territories that they would have never considered otherwise. While this is possible, many others in these situations are left feeling lost and out of control. They lose confidence in their abilities and start applying for any role that looks like it might be ok. After the first few rejections, their confidence plummets even further and they begin to feel increasingly desperate and willing to take any job just to keep the wolf from the door. 

Relying on fate to determine the turning point in your career is a risky game. This approach forces you into a position where you perceive yourself as a victim of external circumstances. Staying in a job that no longer meets your needs will ultimately lead to a dip in performance and can have a negative effect on your mental and emotional health. You may receive disciplinary action or even dismissal, making it even harder to find a career you love. 

 2. Leave on your knees

Dedicated and responsible employees, recognised for their reliability and safety, frequently find themselves disenchanted, burdened, and eventually falling ill. Burdened by the absence of support, understanding, or concern from others. Falling ill as it becomes increasingly difficult to flourish amid such emotional strain.  

Many people will wait until they physically can’t take anymore before deciding to change careers. By doing this they risk damaging their mental and physical health. People who take this approach frequently leave feeling out of control and unmotivated to pursue their dream careers. This is arguably the worst way to change your career. By overworking yourself and not prioritising your needs, your work quality and productivity will drop putting you at risk of disciplinary action.   

When you find yourself in a tough spot, you start feeling the need to switch things up. However, it’s important to remember that hasty choices can come with consequences. Instead of impulsively saying “I’m done!” it’s a good idea to take a moment to reflect on what you really want and what steps you can take to achieve it. Remember, you’ve got this!  

As your career coach, I am here to support your journey through its ups and downs and help you achieve your career goals. We can work together and identify your unique strengths and goals. By doing this your confidence will increase and you will have more motivation to start working towards achieving your dream job! 

 3. Plan your escape

So, I’ve got one more way for you to consider when it comes to changing your career. And let me tell you, it’s a real winner. Not only is it the least stressful option out there, but it’s also super productive and won’t put you in harm’s way. If any of the emotions or situations previously mentioned sound familiar, then it’s time you start thinking about making a plan. Trust me, it’s never too late to start fresh! 

It’s important to give yourself a break and evaluate where you’re at in your career. Take a moment to think about how you got into this situation and acknowledge your own involvement. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to get curious and do some research. If you’re feeling stuck, a Career Clarity Session might be just what you need. Use your imagination to explore new possibilities and figure out what truly excites you! 

Ready to take the next step in your journey? Let’s start by reaching out to some new connections and getting some advice from a coach. They’re amazing at guiding you through new experiences! Take some time to work on your CV and business plan and get excited for what’s to come. You’ve got this – let’s make it happen together! 

I don’t have time to change career!

It’s important that you make time for yourself. You always make time for your loved ones but remember that you deserve some love and attention too! Trust me, you don’t want to end up with any regrets down the road. So, let’s make sure you prioritise yourself and schedule some “me time” soon. You got this! 

Whilst there are many ways you can change your career; many have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. This ultimately leads to you ending up in a career that does not fulfil your needs or make you happy. When changing your career, it is important that you have the control to make the choices needed to make your dream job a reality.  

Why not take charge of your life right now so you won’t have to worry about dealing with things that are beyond your control later on? You’re totally capable of doing it. You deserve to be happy, trust me, you’re worth every bit of it! 

How can I help?

Hey there! I’m Louise Jenner, also known as the Dream Job Coach. For the past 10 years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with clients from all across the UK, helping them reach their career aspirations. My goal is to help you achieve your dream job, and I promise to always have your best interests at heart. Together, we’ll discover your unique strengths and identify your goals to create a customised plan for your career development.  

Whether you’re certain about your career path or still exploring your options, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s work together to make your dream job a reality! 

To experience the benefits of coaching please book your free Clarity Session now and let’s take it from there. 

Good luck!

Book Your Interview Prep Coaching Sessions Here 

For one-to-one help getting super-prepared for your next interview, please click the button above to book your Interview Prep Sessions with me, Louise Jenner, The Dream Job Coach. We’ll meet in person, online via Zoom for 2 sessions. There will be some homework for you to complete in between our meetings.  


“In my opinion there has never been a better time to conduct a career change than right now.  The companies that are hiring now are looking for great people who will do a brilliant job for them. That’s YOU, isn’t it?” 

Louise Jenner, The Dream Job Coach. 

Copyright: Louise Jenner, 2023. 

This blog was first published by Louise Jenner in 2020 and was updated in 2023 by Falcon Digital. 

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