Business Coaching

A woman smiling as she selects clothes from a rail in order to dress for success in her new job.

What to wear to dress for success in your new career

Dress for success in your new career You’ve decided to move on from your old job and a new career awaits you. Changing career can be an exciting and nerve-wracking time! Perhaps you are setting up your own business or starting a new role in a different company.  It can feel overwhelming and then you […]

What to wear to dress for success in your new career Read More »

Is this it? Getting more from the day job!

The average worker brings only 15% of their intelligence to work each day. Shocking statistic or great news? The reason that this excites me is that this suggests that there could be a whopping 85% of untapped potential out there! So, if you’re thinking that you’re undervalued in your current role, you could be right.

Is this it? Getting more from the day job! Read More »

Do you think like a job seeker or an employer?

Job seekers that only think like job seekers are unlikely to get an interview.  Thinking like a job seeker can mean that we fail to see things from the employer’s viewpoint or worse, we make up our own version of what the employer’s viewpoint is! For example, there’s an advert for a great vacancy. The

Do you think like a job seeker or an employer? Read More »

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