Business Coaching

Woman thinking about why she struggles with motivation.

Why do some people struggle with Motivation More than others?

Motivation is that elusive spark that pushes us forward, helps us achieve our goals, and keeps us going even when things get tough. Yet, for some, staying motivated seems to feel effortless, while for others, it feels like a constant battle. So, what makes the difference? Why do some people struggle more than others to maintain motivation, especially in their careers?

Why do some people struggle with Motivation More than others? Read More »

Two women sitting at a desk. One is writing in a note book. There are 2 glasses of water and an open folder with the words BUSINESS PLAN in the foreground of the shot.

Step Up Your Freelancing Game: Turning Your Work into a Small Business

If you’ve been freelancing for some time and are looking to turn your work into a small business, then this blog is for you. Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy but it can be incredibly fulfilling. So let’s get started with the steps you need to take to make your dreams come true. Create a Professional

Step Up Your Freelancing Game: Turning Your Work into a Small Business Read More »

BIG NEWS – Career and Business Coaching Coming To Devon

A BIG SCARY DECISION – CAREER AND BUSINESS COACHING IS COMING TO DEVON! How come I’ll be offering career and business coaching in Devon this year? (From May 2019) Well, having set up and run my dream business from Gloucestershire for about 5 years, last July my husband and I decided that we would fulfil

BIG NEWS – Career and Business Coaching Coming To Devon Read More »

Most common mistakes we make when we go self-employed.

Why did you go self-employed? Before we look at the most common mistakes we make when we go self-employed, let’s rewind and remember why we made that decision in the first place. We probably had a light-bulb moment somewhere along the line when we were still employed. We thought (or heard someone else say) “There

Most common mistakes we make when we go self-employed. Read More »

Two women talking about making the most of linkedin at a conference.

Making the most of LinkedIn

Making the Most of LinkedIn Making the most of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, is vital for your career progression. Maybe you’re frustrated in your current job, perhaps you feel like you’re hitting against the glass ceiling or maybe you’re desperate to do something different! If you’re serious about getting ahead or making a

Making the most of LinkedIn Read More »

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