BIG NEWS – Career and Business Coaching Coming To Devon

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How come I’ll be offering career and business coaching in Devon this year? (From May 2019)

Well, having set up and run my dream business from Gloucestershire for about 5 years, last July my husband and I decided that we would fulfil one of our other dreams and make the move to Devon. I love running my business up here so it just makes sense to expand and offer career and business coaching in Devon too!

But, having had this dream on the back-burner for around 10 years, it was a big scary decision to make and we weren’t sure – at all – that it was the right thing to do or the right time to do it. Brexit was (or wasn’t) happening and my step-daughter was awaiting an operation.

“Heck,” we thought, “there’s never a right time to do something, only now.”

The last time we made a decision this big was when we quit our jobs in 2013 and that turned out ok!

So, we researched some local estate agents and chose one. The day the ‘For Sale’ board went up, our hearts lurched and we wondered afresh whether we were doing the right thing. We have lived in our current house ever since we were married in 2002 so it was heart-wrenching to imagine leaving it in just a few weeks time. The estate agent assured us that it would ‘fly!’

Think Positive and Believe In Your Dream

However, it didn’t and we couldn’t understand it. We had a few viewings, some polite feedback and some frankly ridiculous offers but the right person had yet to see our house as their dream home. After a few months, we reduced the price and switched the estate agent. Christmas came and went, my step-daughter had her operation and it was successful – phew! We started to think more positively and to believe that now Spring was on the way, surely our beautiful house would find its new owners.

Having looked at potential properties in Devon during last summer, we had stopped when we realised that until you’re considered ‘proceedable it’s all a bit pointless. But we still kept an eye on the popular house-buying apps and ‘saved’ properties that we liked the look of for when the time came. Every now and again, we compared our lists and laughed when we realised that we both loved the same type of houses. We were looking for something with character, a wood-burning stove would be great and access to great dog-walks was a must-have.

Then, one day, after what seemed like an age, a family arrived to look at our house and fell in love with it. They made an offer and we accepted it. It was as simple as that!

An Important Lesson

This is a really important lesson to remember whether you’re selling your home or looking for a new job. You only need one person to say “Yes!”

The people who turn you down don’t matter. What you have is not what they want. It’s the one who needs what you have to offer that counts and guess what? They will be the one who is willing to pay the right money too. It’s also key to have a list of criteria for your dream job so that you recognise it when you see it!

Being prepared, doing your research can help you to become emotionally ready for the change that you want to create.

Find Out More

Find out more about how Career Coaching and/or Business Coaching can help.


Once the euphoria of receiving the offer on our house had subsided a bit, we realised that we could now go shopping for our new home. And again, I’d like to make an analogy here – buying a house is a bit like accepting a new job. It has to work both ways. There were plenty of houses that we loved but which were out of our price-range or had some little detail that was enough to put us off. It’s no good accepting a new job, say, that pays really well but that doesn’t tick some other really important boxes. Coaching can help you decide what factors are important for you.

Coming Home!

Finally, after viewing maybe 20 houses in total, we found what is to be our new dream home. I’m beyond excited! We’ll be moving soon and I promise to share some pictures in future blog posts. For now, let me tell you this. We\’ll be in South Devon, near the town of Newton Abbot where I went to Coombeshead School many years ago now! A short drive from the seaside at Torquay, we can also be on Dartmoor or in the city of Exeter within about 20 minutes. Better still, we will be able to walk our dog without having to put him on the lead – bliss! We’ll be close to my parents which is wonderful for me because I’ve lived ‘away’ in Gloucester now for over 20 years. So, you can expect to see me out and about in Totnes, Bovey Tracey, Ashburton, even down as far as Plymouth and Cornwall.

Old Friends and Networking (Dog-Walking / Coffee-Drinking) Opportunities

I’m so excited to be able to reconnect with my old school friends as well as meeting up with folks that until now have been my online pals on Facebook and LinkedIn. I’m looking forward to researching venues where we can set up Laptop Friday coworking events as well as joining existing networking groups in the local area. In fact, I’ve already attended the Brighter Business Brunch run by the Six O’Clock Club in Plymouth and ‘ve booked my ticket for the Fast Track to Growth Business Festival at Dartington Hall on 24th April. If you know of somewhere I should attend or someone I should meet up with, please let me know. I’ll happily meet for coffee or go for a dog-walk – or both!

coaching throughout the south west and still in Glos!

It\’s important to me to explain that I\’m not leaving Gloucestershire for good! I will be here several times each month to meet up with my wonderful friends, family members and existing clients and I will be compering on stage with Eoin McQuone of Sustainable Business Design at the Gloucestershire Business Show on 21st & 22nd May in Cheltenham. What this means is that I can now offer career and business coaching, in person, at various locations throughout the South West.

7 signs you’re ready to hire a career coach — and 3 signs your not

Do You Live Along the M5 Corridor?

We are working out the logistics behind the scenes right now so that I can hold meetings all along the M5 corridor from Gloucester to Plymouth. That will include places like Bristol and Taunton. Now, don\’t get me wrong, my dream job does not involve being on the road all the time and I can\’t be in two places at once but I\’m sure we can make this work at least some of the time.

And, I\’m assured that the wifi is really good where I\’ll be living so, of course, the option for coaching online will still be available too.

So, there you are. Now you know. The rumours are true! I\’m going home to Devon after 20 years in glorious Gloucester. I\’m not retiring! In fact, this move is an opportunity to expand my dream business and help even more of you to find ways of working that suit you, your family and your lifestyle.

Is change scary? Yes. And it’s exciting and fun. It\’s the chance to make things better for everyone. Remember, if you\’re not in your dream job, you’re in someone else\’s!

Louise Jenner is known as The Dream Job Coach and The Dream Biz Coach. She provides career coaching and business coaching, face-to-face in Gloucester (COMING TO DEVON VERY SOON!) and online via video link if you\’re further afield.

Book your FREE Career Clarity Session with Louise by clicking the button below.

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The easiest way to get started is to book your Career Clarity Session. It’s completely free and it’s for us to start the process of discovering what your dream job (or business) really looks like.

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