Louise Jenner

Woman thinking about why she struggles with motivation.

Why do some people struggle with Motivation More than others?

Motivation is that elusive spark that pushes us forward, helps us achieve our goals, and keeps us going even when things get tough. Yet, for some, staying motivated seems to feel effortless, while for others, it feels like a constant battle. So, what makes the difference? Why do some people struggle more than others to maintain motivation, especially in their careers?

Why do some people struggle with Motivation More than others? Read More »

Unlock your Potential with Career Coaching

Unlock Your Potential with Career Coaching Embarking on the journey of ongoing career coaching can unlock your potential and transform your professional life in remarkable ways. Here’s why it’s worth considering: 1. Personalised Guidance Imagine having advice tailored specifically for you. Career coaching provides that personalised touch, helping you confidently navigate your unique career path.

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3 Cover Letter Mistakes You Can Avoid Making

3 Cover Letter Mistakes You Can Avoid Making 

3 Cover Letter Mistakes You Can Avoid Making Are you making these cover letter mistakes? In today’s digital age, the importance of a well-crafted cover letter can sometimes be overshadowed by the convenience of platforms like LinkedIn and email. However, dismissing the significance of a cover letter can be a grave mistake, especially for job

3 Cover Letter Mistakes You Can Avoid Making  Read More »

Why everyone can benefit from coaching

7 signs you’re ready to hire a career coach

7 signs you’re ready to hire a career coach—and 3 signs you’re not Are you feeling stuck in your current job or struggling to make progress in your job search? Consider hiring a career coach to provide expert guidance on resume building, negotiation, interviewing, and motivation. With their certified expertise, a career coach can help

7 signs you’re ready to hire a career coach Read More »

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